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Community User Group Experience

This article will give an overview of the user group experience in the following communities:

For user groups whose focus spans more than one of the above communities, visit Power Platform User Groups Power Platform User Groups.


Your user group experience in our communities should be very similar across the board. For the purpose of this article, all images will be from Power Platform User Groups.


*Please note that any locations or user groups visible in the images below are representations of functionality.


If you are a user group leader, see "Your Groups Page" below to learn how to request your user group to be created. 


How to Access User Groups

From Power Apps, Power Automate, Copilot Studio & Power Pages communities, you will click the 'Community' drop down in the top-level navigation and select 'User groups':


For the Power Platform and Power Pages User Group experience, visit


From the Dynamics 365 community you will choose 'User Groups' from the header at the top of the page:





Discover User Groups and User Group Events

The user group landing page is called the 'Discover' page, and will provide recommended user groups and events.


If you are looking for a user group, you can either enter a new location in the location field, or select 'See all' for a full listing of user groups, and you will be taken to the 'Group search' page, see below.





While still on the 'Discover' page, you can sign up for a user group event. You can enter a new location in the location field, select a date, or a format (online or in-person) that fits what you are looking for.




You can also select 'See all' under the results rendered and you will be taken to the Events search page, see below.


If you know that you are looking for, a 'Networking' or 'Learning' event, you can scroll to the bottom of the 'Discover' page, and select the one you are looking for. You will be taken to the event search page, already filtered by the type of event choosen.



Search groups

When you select the 'See all' button under 'Join a Group' from the 'Discover' page, this will take you to the 'Search groups' page. This page will provide recommended user groups, you can choose a new location by typing in the location box, and sort how the results are displayed.

If you do not see a user group in your location, please feel free to create one by selecting the "Start a new group" button. 




When you start typing a new location in the location field, suggested locations will automatically render:





Any time you see a user group card, you can select the name of a user group or 'Learn more' on the group card to visit that group, or select 'Join now' to become a member of that user group:




User Group Info Page

Each user group has a 'Group info' page that provides the location of the user group, the details, and who the group leaders are.

Clicking on any of the group leaders or members names will take you to their community profile.

You can join the group from here, invite other community members, or share externally:




Once you join a user group, you will see the groups upcoming events in the bottom of the right-rail, and the 'Contact' button under the 'Group leaders' becomes available. Clicking this button will send a PM to the user group leader. If there is more than one user group leader, they will all receive the private message:





If you decide you no longer want to be a member of the user group, simply select the drop-down for 'You're a member', and choose 'Leave group'.





User Group Discussion Page

The 'Discussion' page is used for conversations regarding the user group. You can reply to the author of a post, or an individual response and it will be displayed as inline replies:




User Group Member Page

The 'Members' page displays all the members of the user group. Just like on the 'Group info' page, clicking on any of the group leaders or members names will take you to their community profile:





Inviting Community Members to a User Group

Anyone can invite other community members to a user group by clicking 'Invite' in the bottom the members list from any of the user group pages:






Invites are sent via community private message, using community user names. You can add a personal message to the invite, or copy the link to the user group and share via social media, email, text, etc.





When community members are invited via the 'Invite' button, invitees can join the user group by clicking 'Join this Group Hub' in the private message they receive.






User Group Events Page

The 'Events' page will display upcoming events related to this user group. You do not have to be a member of the user group to join an event:






User Group Resources Page
On the "Resources" page user group leaders can share relevant links with group members.  






Your Groups Page

You can access all the user groups you have joined by clicking 'Your groups'. This page is where you can see a thread of all activity related to your user groups, and you can select 'Start a new group' if you would like to create a new user group:


Note: If you are a new user group leader and would like to create a user group, please visit this support article in your community to learn how: 

Power Apps
Power Automate

Copilot Studio
Power Pages

User Group Events

Any time you see a user group event card, the following information is visible:

  • Format: Online, In-person, or both
  • The name of the event
  • Time and date of the event, displayed in your local timezone
  • The name of the user group hosting the event
  • Description of the event
  • Names of the event speakers
  • Location. If the event is online, it will say 'Online event' at the bottom of the card. For in-person events, the event location will display.

You can select the name of the user group event or 'Learn more' on the event card to visit that event page, or select 'Sign up' to sign up for the event:



After you sign up for an event, the 'Sign up' will change to 'Registered':




Event Info Page

When you click on an event, all the details will be shown. You can access the user group that the event is linked to by clicking the name of the group in the top-right corner. You can download a .ics file to add to your calendar, you can share the event, and you will be shown other events you might like at the bottom.






You can start or join in on event related discussions on the discussions tab, see the community users that have registered for this event right-side of the 'Event info' page, or select the 'Attendee's tab, and take a look at any event resources that have been uploaded by the user group leaders by clicking on the 'Resources' tab. 


If decide you no longer want to attend an event, you can select the drop-down for 'You're Registered', and then 'Cancel registration':





Search events

When you select the 'See all' button under 'Sign up for an event' from the 'Discover' page, this will take you to the 'Search events' page where recommended user group events are shown. You can choose a new location by typing in the location box, choose a specific date or format and sort results:




When you start searching for an event by typing a new location in the location field, suggested locations will automatically render:




Your Events

You can access all your user group events, current and past, that you have registerd for by clicking 'Your events'.





If you don't have any events, you can choose 'Browse events' to find one.




If you need user group related support, please submit your support request via our community support form:




Version history
Revision #:
3 of 3
Last update:
‎01-29-2024 12:15 AM
Updated by: